I went to visit Jeff Frazier last Thursday when I got out of work. It was a blustery day, and there was no sign that spring is just around the corner. When I walked in the door to Jeff’s shop, Jeff Wagoner and Jon Scott were inside.
My fascination with Jeff’s workbench area drew me to it. Every time I visit Jeff, I know I will find something I can play with. Usually, I find a release or two that I want to try. Amazingly, I spotted a TruBall Execute release lying on the bench. I’ve been interested in trying it since it came out but haven’t known anyone who has one.
I secured it around my wrist and decided to give it a whirl. With Jon Scott sitting in the chair next to the door, I came to full draw and settled into my anchor point. As I began cradling the trigger to become friends with it, the release fired. Jon laughed because the release fired so quickly. I had the deer in the headlights looks look due to the surprise.
We looked for the stiffer spring but couldn’t find it. Eventually, after shooting the release for a while and playing with some bows, I headed home with the release in my pocket. Jeff said I could borrow it to see what I thought about it.
On Friday night, I was unsure if I wanted to shoot in my weekly league. Since I had planned on heading to the Winter CanAm Classic early Saturday morning, I didn’t want to be out all night. Well, the decision was made for me when I showed up at the club. Jeff Wagoner had the stiff spring with him, so we installed the spring. I decided to give the release an honest effort.
Out of the gate, I knew this release was going to be something special. When I began shooting it, my shot execution was effortless. One arrow after another found its way into the X-ring, and I became a believer. Although I wasn’t familiar with the release, I told the guys that I would probably use it at the Winter CanAm Classic the next day. They all laughed and thought I was crazy. A few of them warned me against it, but I told them I would make my choice at the target bag the next day. I ended Friday night league with a 300 54x round. It was a struggle from start to finish, but I focused on my good shots and left it behind when I headed home.
The Ride Out & the First Couple of Arrows
When the alarm rang at 4:30 a.m., I knew I would be in for a long day. I had gone to bed at 11:30 and hadn’t slept a wink when I looked at the clock at 1:30. After getting up and wandering around the house, I hoped I would fall asleep when my head hit the pillow. Unfortunately, I tossed and turned for a while longer. By the time I finally lost consciousness, it was after 2:00.
I felt calm, cool and collected on my ride to Syracuse. Being alone, it was a quiet ride, and I enjoyed much of it in complete silence -- no radio, no background noise other than the tires of the car rolling over the pavement. The noise created a calming sensation that coursed through my veins, and I enjoyed the feeling.
After pulling into the parking lot, finding a parking place and unloading my gear, I headed into the building. Opening the door and seeing my archery family inside, I felt a smile briefly form on my lips. Making my way to the Northeast Big Buck Club booth, I chatted with people I hadn’t seen since last year, and I caught up with a few I hadn’t seen since the Lancaster Archery Classic in January. It felt good to be “home” with my extended family.
Since I was there early, I decided to unpack my bow and shoot a few arrows. Walking to the practice butt, I shared a few more pleasantries with familiar faces. Feeling completely calm, I reached for an arrow in my quiver to get ready for my first shot of the day. When I drew the bow, I felt the rush of adrenaline that always greets me, however, this rush seemed far greater than many rushes I have received in the past. It almost overwhelmed me, and the sight picture was erratic. Although I tried ignoring it, it was difficult to stuff it into my back pocket. I continued shooting, and the pin continued moving. I focused on executing good shots instead of paying attention to the movement that I normally don’t see. When all was said and done, I shot a group of five arrows in the white on a 5-spot target at 40 yards and called it good. Being back on track and shooting a normal-sized group, I knew I would be ready to roll when the round started.
First Scoring Round
I decided to start my round with the TruBall Execute release. Although I don’t hold as well with a caliper release, I feel that I break a better and more consistent shot with one. I don’t have to battle hand tension or any of the things that go along with it while trying to shoot good shots. I’ve never been a good indoor 3D shooter due to my inability to pick up any type of definition on targets. Simply put, I just don’t see well enough to know if the pin is sitting in the exact spot I want to hit. Knowing that, I put the pin in the general area and try to execute good shots.
My shots broke clean during the first end, but the unsteady sight picture seemed a little hard to deal with. That’s when I chose to go back to “old reliable.” I broke out my Stan SX2 and decided to try that for the next end. Five minutes later, I realized I should’ve stuck to the original plan and finish with the release I had started with.The SX2 went back into the release pouch, and the Execute found its way back onto my wrist. I would trade the tension-filled shots for the unsteady sight picture.
Mentally, the rest of the round was one of the best rounds I’ve shot in as long as I can remember. My aiming was effortless, and I think the arrows were hitting behind the pin. Having shot McKenzie 3D targets for the better part of my 3D archery career, I’m familiar with the location of the 10-ring on most targets. Without being able to see well, I decided to aim in the area where I thought the center 10 should be located. Confidence found its way into my head and my shot when I began piling up center 11s. Going into the last third of the round, I decided to start guessing at the location of the 12-rings and gunning at them, barely missing every one I shot at. When the round finished, I was satisfied with my shooting. The score didn’t reflect my performance. I knew I had a winning performance and was really pleased with that aspect of the round. I figured I would pile up the points in the next round. Could I possibly shoot another 20 targets without hitting one 12? I highly doubted the probability of that happening.
The Second Scoring Round
After trying to process the first round and the score that came out of it, I knew I needed to pick my game up to make the cut. I got a head start on it by getting to my starting station as the shooters in the time period prior to mine were finishing their rounds. Sean Roberts, Scott Tozier and Jake VanHillo were finishing their round on the same target I would be starting on. When I glanced at the first few targets I would be shooting, I visualized my shots and felt good about the result that appeared in my mind. Having to make ground up, I knew I had to shoot at some bonus rings to stay alive. I definitely could not afford to drop any points.
After getting a few targets into the second round, I realized I was following the same path that I had walked on a few hours earlier. I couldn't see enough definition on any of the targets to hold on a spot and feel confident about where the pin was sitting. Although I knew I was in the 10-ring on most targets, I couldn't see them well enough to shoot for 12s.
As I was getting near the end of my round, John Vozzy and Sean Roberts came to cheer me on. I always appreciate a vote of confidence from my friends. I tried putting on a show for them but came up short. The last six targets I shot, I could see the kill zones well enough to give it an honest effort and go after the 12s. I shot at most of them and barely missed them, some by no more than 1/4 of an inch. My shooting was flawless, and I felt really good about it. When the dust settled, I had shot one, yes ONE 12 out of the 40 targets and eded at 6 down. I don't think I've ever shot so well and had the results tell a different story. If I had been shooting an indoor 300 round, I executed my shots well enough to hang a 300 60X target on the wall when I finished. I'm extremely happy with that fact. I did make the cut but got in by the skin of my teeth in the last qualifying spot. That alone goes to show you that you should never give up. I shot one bonus ring and made it in.
Elimination Match
Once again, I knew which targets I would be shooting in the three-target elimination match, so I went to the station and imagined myself shooting them. I decided to start on a 45 yard chamois. I could see a spot on the target that was shot out, and it was just to the left of the 11 and above the 12. I would aim at that spot and cut some yardage.
When the whistle blew to start the elimination match, I drew my bow, anchored, and let the pin bury itself in that spot. Although my shot timing was a tad longer than normal, the pin never moved out of the spot. As soon as the shot broke, I knew I had gold. There was no doubt the arrow would find its way into the 12 -- and it did.
With that behind me, I shot the new tapir target. Once again, I had a dark spot to aim at above the 12. I aimed at it and broke another great shot, with the arrow landing just above the 12. Going into the last target, I waited for my competitor to shoot his last arrow. After a quick glance at the targets, I knew I could win with an 8. He had shot two 10s and an 8. Sean and Scott confirmed it with me when I turned around to look at them. Instead of taking my time and really looking at the target to get a great place to aim at, I shot the target. I put the pin behind the shoulder and executed another great shot. The arrow landed behind the pin, and I knew it was time to move on to the next round. With the way my shot was feeling, I was confident I would make it into the final 5, especially since I only had to win one more round of three arrows.
Well, all of that went out the window when I walked up to the last target I shot. My arrow had landed exactly where I had put the pin, which was out of the 10 to the left. I hadn't looked at it close enough and shot the target by memory, and I haven't shot McKenzies in a tournament in years. I simply shot the target in the wrong spot.........a 26.5 yard target. Then, looking at my competitor's arrow, I knew there was going to be a debate on whether it was in or out. I've always given shooters the benefit of the doubt, but I had to call this arrow out. Although it was actually touching the 10 line, I didn't think it was touching the 12 line. In my eyes, it was too high and to the right, and I'm a loose caller. After my competitor called for a judge, the arrow got called in, not in the 8 and not in the 10........in the 12. Since I had scored an 8 on the target, I would be taking a seat. My tournament had ended.
Props to Great Performances
Everyone who knows me, knows I root for my friends first and foremost. If I can't win, I want my friends to win. If I'm competing against them, I want to beat them at their best. When I had to take a seat, I focused on my friend Scott Tozier. We've competed with and against each other for almost 30 years, so I always route for him when he's shooting. He ended up making it into the finals and pulling off a podium finish. Knowing all of the work he put into volunteering at the tournament, his finish is impressive. I know how difficult it is to focus on shooting when there are a zillion other things going on throughout out the day. Great job, Scott!
On Saturday night, I got to watch my friend John Vozzy in the senior pro shootdown round. Although the crowd didn't know, a few of us knew that John was making his way back from a shoulder replacement surgery. We have all been pulling for him and want to see him do well. Like us, he puts an awful lot into archery. Archery is his life. John played a smart game in the beginning but then saw an opening and went for it, shooting at a few 14s and nailing them. The crowd appreciated it but not as much as we did, knowing the journey of getting back to the top has begun. Vozzy ended up finishing in second place, and I feel confident in saying that he will gradually get better and better as the year progresses. This is a story that everyone should keep an eye on. My buddy Shawn Couture had rotator cuff surgery a few months back and is struggling mightily with rehabilitation. Meanwhile, Vozzy has an entirely new shoulder and is shooting his bow at a high level. We hope Shawn makes progress and can get back on top, too.
It was cool to watch Mark Nott compete against Vozzy in the shootdown round. Unfortunately, Mark had some bad luck during the round and wasn't able to figure it out until the last arrow had been fired. Mark has always done well at this tournament and he did it again this year. Mark, it was fun to watch. Hopefully, the bad luck has been put behind you for the coming year. You still have to be happy with the shooting for the weekend.
Saturday was full of drama and suspense with all of the elimination matches going on. There were piles of people from New York and New England in the matches. Some of them advanced a round before being eliminated and some of them made it to the finals. I'd try to mention everyone, but I'm sure I'd forget a few. I did notice that Pat Clark shot well in both classes he entered. He made the cut in one and barely missed in another. Joe Ricard shot one of the highest scores on the range during one of his rounds but didn't quite make the cut. This is still something to hang your hat on going into the 3D season. Andy Bush made the cut, and he is always a tough competitor to knock out. I enjoy watching him shoot. He always finds a way to survive, even if the day isn't one of his best. Ron Sargent put up a great score when he shot and found himself in the dance. Ron has worked hard this winter, and it has definitely been showing up everywhere he shoots. Jeremy Flagg gave it a really good run but came up just a hair short. I was disappointed when he didn't make the cut, but he put himself in a good position to do so. I guess some days it's meant to happen, but this wasn't his weekend. He will get another chance in a month to defend a title from last year when we head outside and start the 3D shoots across the region. Longtime archer and friend Brian Kasten made his way through his matches and found himself on the podium in Senior Hunter. he has worked hard this winter and began attending target archery tournaments. It has been improving his game, and that was obvious at this tournament. I forgot to mention a few of you, but it's not because I didn't notice. One thing I did notice is how good Jake VanHillo's shot looked this weekend. I also know he has been working a lot on the process, and he looked good from a distance. When someone's shot looks good, the results are usually good, too. That was the case with Jake. Although he didn't make the cut, he did put up a very respectable score. Although Jake shot really well, Sean, Scott and I think (all in good fun) he might need to get a stronger prescription for his glasses when scoring arrows. Jerry Galley never fails to impress. This year he made a big change, just like me, when he changed to a different bow. The bow he is shooting now just agrees with him. He has been banging out great scores in every tournament he attends. He ended up on the podium in the hunter class, and his new bow carried him once again. He should have a phenomenal year in 3D this year with the bow. I look forward to watching him shoot it this year. It seems to have made a difference in his shooting. I also switched bows for indoors, and it has allowed me to be much more consistent this season. I've also made some form changes, too, so I'm sure it's a combination of both. But having a forgiving setup in your hands, no matter who you are, is definitely going to give you confidence and help your game.
The star of the show from our region this weekend was Matt Defeudis. He just laid it down. The most impressive part of Matt's shooting is that he went there with a plan and carried it out. He knew exactly what he wanted to do, and he did it. It was impressive to watch, especially since he had to live with the stress of forgetting his arrows at home. Luckily, his buddy got his arrows to him before he started. Now, that's a great friend. Matt has worked hard and has a good training partner in Jeremy to push him. These two guys have definitely made each other better since last summer. They are both hungry, and I saw it in Matt's shooting as well as seeing it in Jeremy's shooting. When Matt got into the final, he played smart and stayed where he needed to stay going into the second to last target when he tagged a 12 to take a share of the lead. On the next shot, he centered a long strutting turkey for the win. I was happy for him, and this is a big win for him that should catapult him into the outdoor 3D season. Great job! Here's a photo of the winning shot.
Pure Space Hypnosis: Highlight of the Weekend
If you want to up your game and become a 300 shooter or a 60x shooter, you need to read this part.
A few days after returning home from the Lancaster Archery Classic, I listened to a podcast about hypnosis and the business Pure Space Hypnosis. Joe Crisanti, the owner of the business was the man I listened to. Everything he said resonated with me, and I knew I had to seek him out. I sent him an email and told him I would catch up to him at the Winter CanAm Classic, where we could get to know each other and talk a little bit.
When I arrived at the venue, Gary Neal saw me and grabbed me by the arm. He said, "I have a guy you have to see. I thought of you as soon as I met him, and I believe he can fix all of those problems you have run into over the years."
Gary walked me over to Joe's booth and introduced us. Later in the weekend, I found about 45 minutes to spare and got to know Joe a little bit better. We talked about a lot of things, and I filled him in on situations I have encountered in archery -- and life -- over the years. It was a stimulating conversation. He's a good listener and takes everything in as people talk to him, always in deep thought trying to process different things if they're applicable to his profession.
During our conversation I shared something with him about accepting awards after winning them, and he stopped me and told me to make sure I brought that same topic up when I scheduled an appointment with him because he thought that might have something to do with the issues I've had problems with in my archery career.
He explained to me that everyone has a trigger, something that triggers our subconscious mind to react as it does. It causes it to go down a certain path, and we have a hard time controlling that path because the origin is so deep-rooted that we might not even know what causes it. I listened closely and thought about all of the people I know who could benefit from what he was talking about. He could help with archery issues and life issues.
Joe gets the archery part. He's a certified archery coach, which enables him to have a greater understanding about what we go through as tournament archers. Although this type of thing probably doesn't work on all people, I believe there are a great many of you who are reading this who could benefit from his services.
If you come from humble means like me, it's hard to justify spending any money on something like this when you don't know if you will gain anything from it. But that's why I look at it in another manner and will find a way to save enough money to book a few sessions with him, even if it means selling some of my stuff to be able to afford it. Think about how much money you have spent on archery things over the years. We spend some of the money and don't keep whatever we bought for more than a month or two. With Joes' help, you might just be able to keep something with you for the rest of your life that will help your archery game. Do you want to get over the tournament anxiety? Do you want to get over a mental stumbling block that seems to bite you at the worst times? Do you want to stop shooting one arrow out that prevents you from shooting a 300, 450 or 60xs? He might just have what you need to get you over the hump. Be forewarned that he can't make you shoot 60xs if you don't have the ability in your form to do so, but he can help your mental game if the mental game is what is holding you back.
The proof is in the pudding. I've known Gary Neal for the better part of 30 years. He knows where I have struggled, and he also knows that I have won multiple state, national and world championships. Many people don't think that archers like me struggle with the subconscious mind. They look at all of the big wins and think that it must be easy. It's never easy, and I have still been able to somehow pull it off. I would like to shoot as relaxed and confidently in a tournament as I do in my backyard. Joe can help people do this.
Many of you are probably still wondering what I classify as "expensive." We all have different means, and I 'm definitely not a man of much money. Don't quote me, but I think Joe said the first session is around $300 or $350 and each session beyond that is $150. The first session will usually last between an hour and two hours, and each session after that should be about an hour. Please contact him through his website for more information. Let him know I sent you his way if you want to give it a whirl. He also said he can do this through FaceTime or possibly on Skype. I know many of you in my archery world could change your game if this worked for you. I will keep all of you filled in on my progress when I gather enough money to schedule a visit. I've posted his card right here so you can contact him. Let me know if you decide to give I t whirl and please share your success stories.
Once again, the Winter CanAm Classic was an awesome run event. Please support the big events in your region, no matter where you live. It's important to stay on the same page and support one another. I was highly disappointed with the absence of many people who I believe should have been at this tournament. It's time to grow up and support these things. Instead of going tit for tat, why don't we all pull up our big-boy panties and try to work together instead of against each other. Do we want to go back to what we had a handful of years ago when there weren't any notable events to attend? Do we all want a piece of the pie, or do we want to smash the pie in other people's faces because we don't like them? You make the call. I try to attend everything in my region because I know how important it is to do this. There are only so many things I can do, but I try to get to as many as time allows, especially if the event is within three hours of my house. Many of you should swallow your pride and promote archer in your region because you love archery, instead of staying home because you have a bone with an organizer or an organization. Let's come together before we run everyone out of town............again. Big shoutout to Jason Minnamon and all of his volunteers who made this shoot possible. The amount of work that goes into these things is beyond anyone's wildest imagination if you haven't done it yourself. It was nice to see some of the heavy hitters such as the owner of ASA, Mike Tyrell, and Rob Kaufhold, who owns Lancaster archery, in attendance.
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